11 research outputs found

    Cytokines increase engraftment of human acute myeloid leukemia cells in immunocompromised mice but not engraftment of human myelodysplastic syndrome cells

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    Patient-derived xenotransplantation models of human myeloid diseases including acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative neoplasms are essential for studying the biology of the diseases in pre-clinical studies. However, few studies have used these models for comparative purposes. Previous work has shown that acute myeloid leukemia blasts respond to human hematopoietic cytokines whereas myelodysplastic syndrome cells do not. We compared the engraftment of acute myeloid leukemia cells and myelodysplastic syndrome cells in NSG mice to that in NSG-S mice, which have transgene expression of human cytokines. We observed that only 50% of all primary acute myeloid leukemia samples (n=77) transplanted in NSG mice provided useful levels of engraftment (>0.5% human blasts in bone marrow). In contrast, 82% of primary acute myeloid leukemia samples engrafted in NSG-S mice with higher leukemic burden and shortened survival. Additionally, all of 5 injected samples from patients with myelodysplastic syndrome showed persistent engraftment on week 6; however, engraftment was mostly low

    Automated deep learning segmentation of high-resolution 7 T postmortem MRI for quantitative analysis of structure-pathology correlations in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Postmortem MRI allows brain anatomy to be examined at high resolution and to link pathology measures with morphometric measurements. However, automated segmentation methods for brain mapping in postmortem MRI are not well developed, primarily due to limited availability of labeled datasets, and heterogeneity in scanner hardware and acquisition protocols. In this work, we present a high resolution of 135 postmortem human brain tissue specimens imaged at 0.3 mm3^{3} isotropic using a T2w sequence on a 7T whole-body MRI scanner. We developed a deep learning pipeline to segment the cortical mantle by benchmarking the performance of nine deep neural architectures, followed by post-hoc topological correction. We then segment four subcortical structures (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, and thalamus), white matter hyperintensities, and the normal appearing white matter. We show generalizing capabilities across whole brain hemispheres in different specimens, and also on unseen images acquired at 0.28 mm^3 and 0.16 mm^3 isotropic T2*w FLASH sequence at 7T. We then compute localized cortical thickness and volumetric measurements across key regions, and link them with semi-quantitative neuropathological ratings. Our code, Jupyter notebooks, and the containerized executables are publicly available at: https://pulkit-khandelwal.github.io/exvivo-brain-upennComment: Preprint submitted to NeuroImage Project website: https://pulkit-khandelwal.github.io/exvivo-brain-upen

    Neuroanatomical and cellular degeneration associated with a social disorder characterized by new ritualistic belief systems in a TDP-C patient vs. a Pick patient

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a spectrum of clinically and pathologically heterogenous neurodegenerative dementias. Clinical and anatomical variants of FTD have been described and associated with underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) pathology, including tauopathies (FTLD-tau) or TDP-43 proteinopathies (FTLD-TDP). FTD patients with predominant degeneration of anterior temporal cortices often develop a language disorder of semantic knowledge loss and/or a social disorder often characterized by compulsive rituals and belief systems corresponding to predominant left or right hemisphere involvement, respectively. The neural substrates of these complex social disorders remain unclear. Here, we present a comparative imaging and postmortem study of two patients, one with FTLD-TDP (subtype C) and one with FTLD-tau (subtype Pick disease), who both developed new rigid belief systems. The FTLD-TDP patient developed a complex set of values centered on positivity and associated with specific physical and behavioral features of pigs, while the FTLD-tau patient developed compulsive, goal-directed behaviors related to general themes of positivity and spirituality. Neuroimaging showed left-predominant temporal atrophy in the FTLD-TDP patient and right-predominant frontotemporal atrophy in the FTLD-tau patient. Consistent with antemortem cortical atrophy, histopathologic examinations revealed severe loss of neurons and myelin predominantly in the anterior temporal lobes of both patients, but the FTLD-tau patient showed more bilateral, dorsolateral involvement featuring greater pathology and loss of projection neurons and deep white matter. These findings highlight that the regions within and connected to anterior temporal lobes may have differential vulnerability to distinct FTLD proteinopathies and serve important roles in human belief systems

    Comparison of histological delineations of medial temporal lobe cortices by four independent neuroanatomy laboratories

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    The medial temporal lobe (MTL) cortex, located adjacent to the hippocampus, is crucial for memory and prone to the accumulation of certain neuropathologies such as Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tau tangles. The MTL cortex is composed of several subregions which differ in their functional and cytoarchitectonic features. As neuroanatomical schools rely on different cytoarchitectonic definitions of these subregions, it is unclear to what extent their delineations of MTL cortex subregions overlap. Here, we provide an overview of cytoarchitectonic definitions of the entorhinal and parahippocampal cortices as well as Brodmann areas (BA) 35 and 36, as provided by four neuroanatomists from different laboratories, aiming to identify the rationale for overlapping and diverging delineations. Nissl-stained series were acquired from the temporal lobes of three human specimens (two right and one left hemisphere). Slices (50 μm thick) were prepared perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus spanning the entire longitudinal extent of the MTL cortex. Four neuroanatomists annotated MTL cortex subregions on digitized slices spaced 5 mm apart (pixel size 0.4 μm at 20× magnification). Parcellations, terminology, and border placement were compared among neuroanatomists. Cytoarchitectonic features of each subregion are described in detail. Qualitative analysis of the annotations showed higher agreement in the definitions of the entorhinal cortex and BA35, while the definitions of BA36 and the parahippocampal cortex exhibited less overlap among neuroanatomists. The degree of overlap of cytoarchitectonic definitions was partially reflected in the neuroanatomists' agreement on the respective delineations. Lower agreement in annotations was observed in transitional zones between structures where seminal cytoarchitectonic features are expressed less saliently. The results highlight that definitions and parcellations of the MTL cortex differ among neuroanatomical schools and thereby increase understanding of why these differences may arise. This work sets a crucial foundation to further advance anatomically-informed neuroimaging research on the human MTL cortex

    Valves of the deep venous system: an overlooked risk factor

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    Deep venous valves are frequent sites of deep venous thrombosis initiation. However, the possible contribution of the valvular sinus endothelium has received little attention in studies of thrombosis risk. We hypothesized that the endothelium of valve sinus differs from that of vein lumen with up-regulation of anticoagulant and down-regulation of procoagulant activities in response to the local environment. In pursuit of this hypothesis, we quantified endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR), thrombomodulin (TM), and von Willebrand factor (VWF) by immunofluorescence in great saphenous veins harvested at cardiac bypass surgery. We found significantly increased expression of EPCR and TM in the valvular sinus endothelium as opposed to the vein lumenal endothelium, and the opposite pattern with VWF (paired t test for TM and EPCR, each P < .001; for VWF, P = .01). These data support our hypothesis and suggest that variation in valvular sinus thromboresistance may be an important factor in venous thrombogenesis

    Data_Sheet_1_Neuroanatomical and cellular degeneration associated with a social disorder characterized by new ritualistic belief systems in a TDP-C patient vs. a Pick patient.docx

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a spectrum of clinically and pathologically heterogenous neurodegenerative dementias. Clinical and anatomical variants of FTD have been described and associated with underlying frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) pathology, including tauopathies (FTLD-tau) or TDP-43 proteinopathies (FTLD-TDP). FTD patients with predominant degeneration of anterior temporal cortices often develop a language disorder of semantic knowledge loss and/or a social disorder often characterized by compulsive rituals and belief systems corresponding to predominant left or right hemisphere involvement, respectively. The neural substrates of these complex social disorders remain unclear. Here, we present a comparative imaging and postmortem study of two patients, one with FTLD-TDP (subtype C) and one with FTLD-tau (subtype Pick disease), who both developed new rigid belief systems. The FTLD-TDP patient developed a complex set of values centered on positivity and associated with specific physical and behavioral features of pigs, while the FTLD-tau patient developed compulsive, goal-directed behaviors related to general themes of positivity and spirituality. Neuroimaging showed left-predominant temporal atrophy in the FTLD-TDP patient and right-predominant frontotemporal atrophy in the FTLD-tau patient. Consistent with antemortem cortical atrophy, histopathologic examinations revealed severe loss of neurons and myelin predominantly in the anterior temporal lobes of both patients, but the FTLD-tau patient showed more bilateral, dorsolateral involvement featuring greater pathology and loss of projection neurons and deep white matter. These findings highlight that the regions within and connected to anterior temporal lobes may have differential vulnerability to distinct FTLD proteinopathies and serve important roles in human belief systems.</p

    Comparison of histological delineations of medial temporal lobe cortices by four independent neuroanatomy laboratories

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    The medial temporal lobe (MTL) cortex, located adjacent to the hippocampus, is crucial for memory and prone to the accumulation of certain neuropathologies such as Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tau tangles. The MTL cortex is composed of several subregions which differ in their functional and cytoarchitectonic features. As neuroanatomical schools rely on different cytoarchitectonic definitions of these subregions, it is unclear to what extent their delineations of MTL cortex subregions overlap. Here, we provide an overview of cytoarchitectonic definitions of the cortices that make up the parahippocampal gyrus (entorhinal and parahippocampal cortices) and the adjacent Brodmann areas (BA) 35 and 36, as provided by four neuroanatomists from different laboratories, aiming to identify the rationale for overlapping and diverging delineations. Nissl-stained series were acquired from the temporal lobes of three human specimens (two right and one left hemisphere). Slices (50 µm thick) were prepared perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus spanning the entire longitudinal extent of the MTL cortex. Four neuroanatomists annotated MTL cortex subregions on digitized (20X resolution) slices with 5 mm spacing. Parcellations, terminology, and border placement were compared among neuroanatomists. Cytoarchitectonic features of each subregion are described in detail. Qualitative analysis of the annotations showed higher agreement in the definitions of the entorhinal cortex and BA35, while definitions of BA36 and the parahippocampal cortex exhibited less overlap among neuroanatomists. The degree of overlap of cytoarchitectonic definitions was partially reflected in the neuroanatomists' agreement on the respective delineations. Lower agreement in annotations was observed in transitional zones between structures where seminal cytoarchitectonic features are expressed more gradually. The results highlight that definitions and parcellations of the MTL cortex differ among neuroanatomical schools and thereby increase understanding of why these differences may arise. This work sets a crucial foundation to further advance anatomically-informed human neuroimaging research on the MTL cortex

    Cell adhesion molecule 1: a novel risk factor for venous thrombosis

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    Protein C (PC) deficiency increases the risk of venous thrombosis (VT) among members of Kindred Vermont II but fails to fully account for the inheritance pattern. A genome scan of the pedigree supported the presence of a prothrombotic gene on chromosome 11q23 (nominal P < .0001), with weaker support on chromosomes 10p12 (P < .0003) and 18p11.2-q11 (P < .0007). Resequencing of 109 genes in the linkage regions identified 5030 variants in a sample of 20 kindred members. Of 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 6 genes tested in the larger family set, only single nucleotide polymorphisms in cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1) associated with VT. Among the 8 CADM1 single nucleotide polymorphisms genotyped in the complete sample, rs6589488 was most strongly supported (P < .000007), but the association was limited to the PC-deficient subset of the sample (P < .000001). Haplotype analysis narrowed the region containing the causative variant to the coding region of the CADM1 gene. CADM1 gene expression analyzed in blood outgrowth endothelial cells cultured from family members was decreased compared with control subjects, lending phenotypic support to this conclusion. Finally, we have for the first time demonstrated CADM1 in endothelial cells, where it appears to be selectively involved in endothelial cell migration, suggesting a role in endothelial barrier repair